Appointments and Cancellations
To schedule, cancel, or modify an appointment, please call our customer service line at +91 9090040411 available Monday-Sunday from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
If you cannot attend your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible to allow us to offer the slot to another client.
Booking an appointment in advance is highly recommended (at least 2 weeks) due to limited slots.
Walk-ins are welcome based on doctor/therapist availability. We cannot guarantee a consultation or treatment slot for walk-ins.
Due to the comprehensive consultation and information provided before each treatment, refunds are strictly unavailable during or after the procedure.
Sage does not guarantee specific treatment outcomes. Results depend on various factors, including hormonal changes and individual responses to healing.
Please provide your complete medical history to the practitioner for a more accurate prognosis.
Client records are the property of Sage and are kept with the highest security standards. We do not share any client information with other clinics or individuals.
Your email address will be used for our monthly newsletter, and your phone number for monthly offers via SMS. You can opt out of either by informing our management.
Complaint Policy
We strive to deliver exceptional service. If you are unsatisfied, please email your complaint details to We will acknowledge your email within 2 days and respond with a resolution within 7 days of receiving your written complaint.
You are also welcome to leave feedback on your experience at Sage on our website.
Written consent is required for all procedures. You have the right to withdraw consent or terminate treatment at any point, verbally or in writing.